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3 Ways to Heal Depression

1️. Journalling Sit down somewhere quiet with a pen and a blank piece of paper, turn off your phone, put aside all distractions, take a few deep breaths, and then, just write whatever you feel. Going through the process of doing so is likely to relax you a little bit, and by “getting your thoughts out there” instead of keeping them trapped inside your head, you’ll find it easier to sort them out and gain some control over them. 2️. Talk To Someone You Trust Just like journalling, talking to someone who you feel comfortable with and trust can also be really cathartic. 3️. "Challenge" Your Worrying/Negative Thoughts You can do this by:

  • Ask Yourself: What Evidence Is There To Suggest That This Thought Is False?

    • When you take a step back and examine the evidence that is contrary to what your worrying/negative thoughts are telling you, you'll often end up with a much more accurate perception of your circumstances, and realise that they aren’t as dire as you originally thought.

  • Ask Yourself: Is There A More Positive, Accurate Way That I Could Be Viewing This Situation Or Circumstance?

    • In most cases, there usually is.

  • Ask Yourself: If A Friend Was In My Position, Would I Be Telling Them The Same Negative/Worrying Things That I'm Currently Telling Myself?

    • Asking yourself this question has the effect of distancing yourself from your thoughts and looking at them from a different, more objective angle – and when you do this, you'll often realise that you’re being really, really hard on yourself, and/or catastrophising the severity of your own situation.

If you implement these thought-challenging techniques throughout the day, then you'll be able to calm your worrying/negative thoughts before bedtime - which will make it much, much easier for you to fall asleep

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